Sunday, April 26, 2009

How do you start an ATA taekwondo school or become an instructor?

My wife is wanting to start planning on one day opening an ATA taekwondo school. She is a second degree black belt, only a few weeks away from getting her third, and she has only one certification class to get through to become a %26quot;certified instructor%26quot;. She gets the whole black stripe uniform and a piece of paper, but that doesn%26#039;t do much. We are away from her school and nowhere near a local ATA so i turn to the yahoo answer community. What steps does one take to open, prepare, and start teaching at their own ATA school.|||First, she needs to call her current instructor for advice. If memory serves, and she has a red collar (assisant or intsructor trainee), she can go ahead and open her own club... If her instructor is no help, just call ATA in Little Rock. They will guide her through the process.|||Well being a student of Shaolin Kung Fu, I suggest not letting anyone older than 6 join (too young at start and they may turn away from the arts forever as a result of frustration) Training should be vigorous but after extreme training teach the students some techniquies and have them practice them over and over again untill they can strike, block and kick effieciently. Then get into more advanced things such as forms (first few forms for us include Shaolin Long Staff and Shaolin Stance Form) When you guys know all about your teaching methods, look for a nice slot to rent and fix it up. You may even wish to make a huge room in your house a training center (though it must look clean and professional) Hope I helped you! Good Luck to you and your family.|||This might actually be your wifes chance to make Taekwondo something more than the pile of crap its turned into. If she wants to open her school.... great! but have her follow these rules.

1. NO CONTRACTS... all a contract says is that you will pay and pay and pay..... and that it wont stop until your contract is up. The commitment comes from within the person.... not a piece of paper.

2. ONLY PASS PEOPLE IF THEY PASS.... I don%26#039;t know how many times I have seen taekwondo calsses where there are brown belts and blue belts that have no place being there. Can%26#039;t kick above their waste, can%26#039;t remember form, have sloppy form... the list goes on. Be one of the few and the proud that actually wants to keep martial arts, martial arts... and not some way to scam money out of kids.

3. Do NOT let anyone join under the age of 8. Not only have kids NOT developed, even at that age. But their understanding of what true martial arts is about, does not even cross their mind. Don%26#039;t turn your school into a baby sitting service.

4. A true black belt.... one that has learned all they should, should NOT be attained in less than 3 years.... minimum. I don%26#039;t care what anyone says about natural ability. There was a reason no one was rushed through the system in traditional Korea...

5. FOR GOD SAKES TEACH SELF DEFENCE!!! I don%26#039;t mind if you want to teach olympic sparring or even sparring for fun. But focus your art on DEFENCE and practical application of technique. No one step sparring crap, no standing punching crap... thats fine to learn the technique.... but then apply it to a resisting opponent! Do the people of your dojang a favor by not giving them a false sense of security.

There are a few more you should follow, but this will get her started. Be the first to have an actual TKD school, that is worth paying to go to. Not a McDojo that most have. ATA has the worst reputation of being a pile of crap school.... you can help change that!

Remember kids... only YOU can prevent McDojo...||||||hello, My name is Scott Curtsinger, 3rd degree black belt, certified instructor, and former school owner in Fayetteville, Ar. I also say contact your instructor, he/she should give you all the help you need,if not then contact national headquarters, they will tell you everything you need to know and help you.|||okay this is geting on my nerves its not taekwondo,its tai kwane do i been ot like 4 or 5 other poepel today saying that,and you have to be a black belt and have a degree from some other school before you open up your own dojo

i may not be like these old geesers but i%26#039;m 14 and been in the stuff 10 years i am a 6th degree black belt you may not believe me but dont judge me until you had a piece of me,i am quite pieceful though i wont fight inless someone threatens to kill me or something if im in a fist fight im not even going to use over green belt

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