Friday, November 18, 2011

What questions will I get on my written exam to gain my Taekwondo yellow tag?

Im doing my first grading white belt to yellow tag and want to know what to expect on the written exam|||Testing requirements differ from school to school, based on the what the Kwanjanim (head master instructor) sees as appropriate. So don%26#039;t be surprised if you get no definite answer on this site. You really need to ask your instructor.

What I would expect you will get for an answer is something pretty similar to the following:

English/Korean and Korean/English translations, mostly including basic blocking, stance, striking, kicking movements. Don%26#039;t expect a lot of advanced techniques in Korean, but basics will probably show up. You will probably be asked the meaning behind the names of your forms. You may also be asked the terms for things like Attention, Bow, Belt, Uniform, and counting from 1-20.

If you have a school code, he may ask you this. He may ask you some questions about what you think about aspects of your training to better understand you as a student (ie: What is the purpose of martial arts training? or Why do you train in Taekwondo?)

Written exams are not as uncommon as many would believe. Though at your level they tend to be focused on basic terminology, I have had to write philosopy papers before my black belt testings, so that it could be established that I possessed the right character, that I have developed mentally as well as physically, and that my teachings reflect a moral attitude.|||yellow belt? or tag? I don%26#039;t think there is a tag system in any real TKD branches. And never heard of written exam. (at least I never had one) But then again it%26#039;s up to the instructor what they want to add to the belt test I suppose. (they just can%26#039;t take things out.)

well good luck on your test!|||you give written exam in taekwondo?

well we dont .

but there may be any kind of forms like apkubi or l stance blocks and any other forms or taeguk forms .

taeguk is very important in exams.

you should practice taeguk forms . also make your kicks perfect.

best of luck for your taekwondo exam.

^_^|||Ask your instructor. If you don%26#039;t already know this information, you shouldn%26#039;t be testing, or you have a poor instructor.|||^^^ I agree with Capitalctu

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