Friday, November 18, 2011

Where can i find affordable classes in taekwondo in NYC?

I understand you get what you pay for so i%26#039;ve decided to stay away from some places because while they are cheap they don%26#039;t seem very good. I%26#039;m 19 yrs old and have no kind of past martial arts experience. I%26#039;m looking for adult begginer classes preferably in manhattan. I don%26#039;t really plan on seeing it thee whole way through. I%26#039;m just looking to move up a couple belts and feel like i can defend myself. After which belt would i most likely be able to succefully defend myself against would be attackers on the street? I%26#039;m not looking to be a black belt just do a year or two or however long it would take me to have the skill necessary to fend off attacker.|||TKD is not what you need.

Also, anywhere in Manhattan, you are going to pay alot because to run a school there is veeeerrrry expensive.

If you want to learn defense, you should study Jujutsu. Most people here seem to think Brazilian Jujutsu is the only way to go. I disagree. I have nothing against it, just that there are so many arts that teach grappling. What they do is floor grappling, which is just a small part of it.

Japanese Jujutsu is true self defense. In some places, you can learn a whole curriculum in 2-3 years.

Send me a message and I will point you to a great school in NYC. It%26#039;s my hometown.|||Don%26#039;t listen to the guy above. Take whatever you think you%26#039;d be better off using. JuiJitsu ain%26#039;t gonna do junk for you if its a group fight. Its very well suited for 1on1s however.

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