Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do i perfect my kicks for my taekwondo training my instructor said he wanted me to perfect all of my kicks?

btw i nid to train my kicks before i go for my gradin iam a brown belt in taekwondo and the kicks iam nt to sure of are tornado kick, back spinning kick and the back kick anyone would like to suggest on how to train this kicks?|||work on one at a time.

something like one per month just focus on that one kick every day, then move on to the next one.

to work on all of them at once will take you longer. as you start perfect them one at a time the others will be come easier to perfect.|||if you are a brown belt you should know what is expected of you and your instructor has already told you what you have to do. if you don%26#039;t want to put the time in then give it up. no one on here can give you a short cut.|||All I can say is you already know how to do them just find a place and practice them over and over.And if you can find a full link mirror it will help also. Good luck on the new belt.|||don%26#039;t do spin kicks. they not effective, and leave you wide open, and take my advice. I got my 3rd degree black belt in tae kwon do, and presently doing bujinkan.|||Practice them over and over in your room when you don%26#039;t have practice.

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