Thursday, November 12, 2009

I take Taekwondo and was accidentally kicked in the face. It hurt a little my nose but now it's fine. ?

I don%26#039;t have a headache or a nosebleed or anything. Will it be okay or should I ice it?|||Ops, get out of the way. Yes Ice the first 10 min. than stop the Ice. I like

Top of the list for bruises. We make our own concoctions at our school from Chinese herbs that work great. We only have enough for our students as we make the stuff by hand. If I%26#039;m out of my regular supply I use the %26quot;arnicare gel%26quot; especially if I have to go out to a show or dinner as the Chinese herb remedies smell bad.

Wow bet you learned an important lesson about the importance of block and parry.||| Yes use ice to keep it from swelling.That is one thing in TKD,when sparring,they can kick to the face,not punches to face.Kicks are stronger especially the back/spinning back kicks,all Korean MAs.|||wow i take punches and kicks to the face all the times you should be okay. Keep your hands up to avoid next time. If it hurts you should put ice on it|||No swelling or bleeding or broken nose, you should be fine. Just block next time.|||well it hurts being hit yeah ice will probably be good but it shouild be fine if there is no blood|||Since you took the kick to the face pretty good how bout you punch yourself for asking that Just Kidding|||if there is no swelling the you will be fine. just block better or duck faster|||What do a pretty girl like you doing in a place like that?|||you%26#039;ll be fine|||if its hurts you should use ice

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