Monday, November 16, 2009

My taekwondo instructor told me not to wear glasses during my sparring matches, what do I do?

My eyesight is super bad, like I can%26#039;t see a feet away from me, but whenever I try to train with contacts, they always pop out at one time or another. What options do I have? because if I ditch the glasses I will not be able to see any fakes or feet placement.|||I also am blind without my glasses/contacts.

If you cannot wear contacts, try sports goggles or at least a strap that will keep them your glasses flying off. Laser surgery is an option, but a costly one.

Tell your eye doctor about your contacts %26quot;popping out%26quot; during physical activities. Maybe he can suggest something.|||train without glasses

i train mma withotu my glasses on

unless were clinched up or grappling i cant see my opponent, i see blurs, but i trained my body to react pretty well

i prolly have better eye site then you

but my stand up game for mma is very good and i wear glasses to walk and drive around but i can fight without them

also change your fighting style

i look to engage my opponents as a counter puncher

they throw a punch or a kick and i block or counter often times both

i also shadow box for about an hour a day, just working technique and setting things up

i can throw perfect one two low kick combos that go almost 100% unblocked because my opponents in sparring are concerned with blocking my punches and arent paying attention to my feet|||Your other option is lasik surgery.

Or....train without glasses...and feel your way through. I used to do that during Muay Thai training. I could make out the person but not it was still blurry. I had to rely on my senses and intuition to carry me through. Trouble is striking styles require good sharp eyes. I don%26#039;t know what to say. I mean he said not to wear em, but he can%26#039;t MAKE you take them off right?|||well you have to take your glasses of so you dont do more damage to your eyes you dont want someone hitting them and slicing you face/eyes with them.

take them off even if your eyesight isnt good im sure you can see the outline of the person.|||what jake lo said, get surgery, if you can%26#039;t afford it, then just stick to wearing contacts and having them pop out all the time, there is no other solution.|||Ask your instructor if you can wear safety goggles,wear your contacts,if the pop out,at least you won%26#039;t lose them while the goggles are on.You can ask you eye doctor if they have prescription goggles.|||Get lasic surgery or wear sport goggles. Also you could wear a visor, but i don%26#039;t recommend it. However, i practice with my glasses and then fight with them too. If they fall off, i keep going|||theres glasses that go around your head if seen people use them try em out|||Easiest way is probably to just tell him you can%26#039;t see a thing without your glasses. And come out with a solution together.|||Well it maybe really bad options as much as looks but those eyesight goggles might be best for you he%26#039;s probably telling you to take them off because he doesn%26#039;t want you to break them...|||1. Stop taekwondo

2. Get contats

3. Start training MMA|||There are unbrakable sport glasses with band that hold them in place that basketball players use. Try those. Good luck.|||Just get some rec specs and see if he will let you wear those.||| sport goggles are shock proof, were as your glasses can get broken or steped on. and get the straps |||What do you do if you get in a fight and your glasses are thrown to the ground? |||try sports glasses.

Do Not use contacts|||they make head gear with face shields so you could wear that and wear your glasses

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