Monday, November 16, 2009

What are your favorite combos to use for taekwondo sparring?

I like round to back kicks and jump spinning rounds to back kicks|||I have found that simplicity works best. Very simple and basic technique that works over 90% of the time. As you are squared off. Kinda skip or short step in lifting the knee. they think your gonna kick and as you drop the knee (leg) back to the ground their eyes usually follow. Then just backfist or jab to the face. Very simple and quick.|||Front snap kick. Immediately follow with front jab with the leading hand. Then with another front kick with the other foot. The last combo can be either front kick, side kick or round house kick, whichever is suitable at the given time.

This combo is suitable at sparring practice, sparring tournament and real fighting.

For me spinning or back kick only suitable with good timing. If your timing is not good, you can easily be taken off balance by an expert opponent. Though I admit spinning kick looks spectacular in tournament compare to front kick.|||maybe a hook kick with a kick to the midsection.|||i like the backspin hook kick with a round house kick because it is geared towards the head and sometimes the torso so it would be good for a k.o.|||My brother had this fake high kick to head, then he twists his hip and leg so the top of his foot is oriented 45 degrees downward and his brings down his force and weight on the shoulder blade of the opponent. Only takes 20 lbs of force to break a shoulder blade. You should see knees buckle because people are trying to keep their shoulder from breaking. Thank God for foot pads. Anyway, after said kick, opponents are usually off-balance and open for whatever move you want.

Ooops, not a combo. How about 6 kicks in one jump, a multiple jump kick combo? I haven%26#039;t seen anyone strong enough to block even half of them. BTW, in practice against a wall, he can land 8 solid kicks before he lands back down.

Perfect your fave combo BUT do not be predictable. Learn to vary your techniques and timing. You%26#039;ll find that a lot of seemingly uncoordinated fighters are hard to hit or strike at will is because their timing is unpredictable.|||I stay far back and wait for the person to come then as they get closer i do a turnback kick.|||A A+B%26gt;A v%26gt;A %26quot;ALROOKIT%26quot;|||I like to teep (push) kick to the face then round house to the side 3 time then knees or elbows.

Oh my bad... that%26#039;s Muay Thai combo, not TKD.|||I love the jump front kicks... I can cover distance. also I like sidekicks.... but punchs work good too|||first way: step behind side snap kick, then back kick, and if that fails, backswing.

second way: roundhouse kick, side snap kick, then double roundhouse.

pretty basic, first technique prevents opponent frm scoring, second technique i more effective against a slower person, as your block can actually serve a purpose|||punch, kick, punch, punch, kick!

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