Saturday, November 14, 2009

I am going to be starting in a new Taekwondo school what should I be doing while not in class?

I am a 22 year old female and I am hoping to reach black belt. I am going to be training hard. What should i watch out for in my classes. And how many hours should i be training outside of class?|||I am a 28 year old female and I teach 2 days a week, and train two days a week in a classroom setting. Once I promote 2 of my students I will be training 4 days a week in class, 2 hours a day, minimum.

On my own personal time, I try to train an hour a day, even if it is light workouts.

As far as stretches, do not do hard stretches daily. Do them every other day. Light stretches between. Do not try to over do them in the beginning. Pace yourself.

I went everyday the doors were opened and I earned my first degree in 3 years. I am working toward my 2nd degree this year. The more classes and the more you train the better your endurance will be. By the time I earned by blue belt I no longer needed to use my inhaler. I no longer have asthma.

Have you done any athletic training?

Be careful of schools that are only in for the money, that they do not market to you things you will not want to do. Also be on lookout of seeing if any of the students have simular injuries. This is a sign of a poor techniques being taught. If you develop any injuries notify your instructor and do not rush the healing process.

At 22 you should be able to earn your black belt. Just remember black belt is not the end, but the begining of a new journey.|||Wow, yes, expensive. I%26#039;m glad I%26#039;m in a donation based system. You would have been teaching a lot, and still having to pay. Best of everything in your training. Report Abuse
|||Stretching and hand/feet drills. Also, you should work on your forms and one-steps as much as possible. Even review your %26quot;old%26quot; material. You will need to remember ALL of your forms and one-steps for your Black Belt Decided testing!!|||In class, pay attention %26amp; always do your best. Outside of class, train as much as you have time for without injuring yourself. At age 22, you should be able to handle a lot of training.|||You should be training constantly. Depending on the school, it might not be what you expect. If you do (atleast) two hours a day, 3-4 days a week you should reach the shodan level in a little over a year. Just because you reached the shodan level doesn%26#039;t mean you are a master yet. It just means you have the general knowledge of it. Also the better schools I know promote people based on skill rather than time. You should look for that.|||Practice every day and don%26#039;t miss any classes. Every school moves at a different rate so you can get you belt between 2 and 4 years if you train daily and go to class.|||Depends. Yeah, you%26#039;ve probably heard all that know, intensity over time etc.

Heres my advice. As much as time allows(for the actual kicking around) and with as much focus as possible. Listen, watch, observe and get stronger.

People who already have there black belts are obviously the ones who are the ones to watch out for, don%26#039;t know something, ask around and get different opinions/reasons/information like you are here. People say true strength is hidden, everyone in the school will be learning, draw from their experience.

If your going to be training hard, then yeah, as much as time allows, but in balance with all your other interests. yeah.

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