Monday, November 16, 2009

What website can I learn taekwondo or any martials art?

I don%26#039;t really care what website as long as i can do it on my own, cause im getting bullied alot in school and it seems like i got weaker during the summer|||none you can learn on only ones you can watch it and try to mimic it on sorry it would be like trying to teach you self spanish by reading it with out ever hearing it.|||If you could learn such things on the internet, football teams wouldn%26#039;t have practice. They would just send everyone home with a DVD.

Sorry, you need someone qualified to watch you and give feedback. If you want to learn self-defense you will have to practice hundreds or thousands of times with people of various sizes and builds before you can be considered proficient. |||You can only see the basic martial arts moves but you%26#039;d have a better shot of actually learning it by taking a class. Martial arts isn%26#039;t to beat someone up either it%26#039;s for self defense when necessary as a last resort.|||Best shot is taking a class because you could hurt yourself in the long run if you don%26#039;t practice the form properly. However, could help you. Also try googling the martial art you want to learn.|||None. You can%26#039;t learn martial arts off of the internet. You need to train with someone who knows it well enough to teach you and correct your mistakes.|||no it will not work

u need a instructor

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