Friday, May 21, 2010

Can I learn Taekwondo at age 35?

I am almost 35 and will be starting Taekwondo training at an ATA school next week. I have never taken a martial arts class or any self defense class before. I%26#039;ve always been a big guy, so I hardly ever get confronted. But, I%26#039;ve always wanted to learn a martial art or some kind of defense art, in case I am confronted. I weigh 280 pounds and would like to take off alot of weight and get into shape. Plus I have gout. These factors make me wonder if I will succeed. Any advice?|||Well first and foremost taekwondo is more of a sport than a hands on self-defense these days it actually varies from school to school. From my experience taekwondo focused a little more on speed, flexibility, and technique rather than strength. That being said tae kwon do is a fun martial art for just about anyone, point sparring can be especially fun, and you develop a solid base for any other martial art whether it%26#039;s jiu-jitsu or judo.

But if your looking for something practical or useful for street fights you might want to try some mixed martial arts, alot of schools offer those classes these days.|||you can do anything you set your mind too, and your never to old to do anything now a days. dont let anyone tell you otherwise. good luck and dont quit|||u can still learn taekwondo..... i think so.. well youve got to try... age is not a problem.... in our judo class there are players almost aged 40 and they do still play, in fact they really enjoyed throwing and being thrown... you should try at least, there are pre trials being given by various martial arts club. goodluck.|||yes of course, my dad is 44 and does tae kwon do. hes a brown belt|||yes you can|||I%26#039;m 55, somewhat overweight at 84Kg%26#039;s, mum of a 9 year old blue belt and I have a yellow belt at Tae Kwon Do. Go for it. Just start slow and take it easy... Enjoy!

Lotsaluv.|||It is never to late to learn a martial art.

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