Saturday, May 15, 2010

Is Taekwondo (WTF) going to make the cut for 2012?

I haven%26#039;t been up to date with the recent progress of inclusion of Taekwondo for the 2012 Olympics. Or is it confirmed a no-show?|||It%26#039;s in for 2012, but that might be the last. There is a big push by karate to get in. They won%26#039;t have both.

James|||Personally, I want Taekwondo to remain in the Olympic scene as long as possible. Such judges, who have tarnished the sport, deserves the hacking. Especially at such high-level events, a major slip-up of that sort is really an insult to my sport. I hope electronic sensors are installed if it helps keep Taekwondo in the games. Being an exponent myself, it gives such pleasure to watch my sport on the big screen.

p/s. To karate exponents, I hope this in no way, has offended the sport.|||So far they are still in the 2012 Olympics. There has been talk of electronic sensors used in the chest protectors and head gear. This will probably be the only reason why Tae Kwon Do is allowed to stay in the Olympics. There were many official complaints filed about less than honorable scoring. The judges that cheat should be stripped of their positions in WTF. Let the combatants go out do their best and win or loss. Cheating judges, don%26#039;t tarnish my sport.

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