Friday, May 21, 2010

What is a good Taekwondo place in macungie pa?

A good taekwondo place in macungie pa or the zipcode is 18062|||

Looks like a decent sized portal of all of them in Pennsylvania. Take a look at the ones you live near, and assess the cost, practices, and take some trial classes.

Good luck.|||There is no such thing as a good Tae Kwon Do place.

Look for a different art......something more usefull in real life situations. I%26#039;m not trashing your question but it kills me to see all these people sign up for;s nickname %26quot;Take Ones Dough%26quot; isn%26#039;t there for a reason.|||It%26#039;s called Tae Kwon Do,

hah...funny!!! %26quot;Take One%26#039;s dough!%26quot; That%26#039;s the lamest nickname ever. Can%26#039;t wait to kick ur butt with Taekwondo.

any ways, if you look around, there should be a trial program for a week or you can watch how they teach and if you like it, you can join. The best one is the most comfortable one for you. Good luck! And don%26#039;t worry about people who don%26#039;t recognize Taekwondo for it%26#039;s art like that one person who answered this question. Anyways, have fun!

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