Friday, May 21, 2010

A good Martial-Art to learn aside taekwondo? FUN, COOL (XD), With tournaments, with different kiks/punches?

So im one belt from black in taekwondo and would like to start a new martial art on the side. Something that is similar to taekwondo but more physical, with different types of punches,blocks and kicks. that has tournaments (and ofc different belts). Something that i would be able to learn in a recreational centre or building. Id like something that is colorful (very interesting for a first look). :D|||capiora

it has the best kicks and diff kicks than tae kwon do and will make u proficient in it

brizilian jiu jitsu

grappling not hitting however good to learn with tae kwon do

karate do

opposite of tae kwon do yet same i originaly went from karate and wrestling to tae kwon do and aikido its weird how diff the seemingly same can be

judo if none of those cause its a great style and easy to find|||hapkido? savate?

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