Monday, May 17, 2010

What are the best ways to stretch your legs so you can lift your legs/feet high for Taekwondo?

Splits and stretches....

1) Stand with your legs spread as far out as you can but not so far that you lose balance and tip over.

Very easily and slowly reach down and touch the floor just a foot or so in front of you. Now touch the floor directly under you. Now reach back and touch the floor behind your stance. Breathe out each time you touch the floor. Keep your back straight and bend AT THE HIPS.

2) Now reach over and try to touch each ankle. First the left and then the right. Repeat and breathe.

3) Sit on the floor now. Open the legs wide apart. Lean forward and plant both hands on the floor. Very slowly and gently, walk your hands farther and farther away in front of you. Keep your body low and loose as possible. Try to make your hands go farther out and try to place your forearms flat on the floor. Repeat.

**** if you have a partner, have him/her sit opposite from you in the same open leg position. Make sure both your feet are touching one another. Have one person pull the other person towards them by the arms. Repeat for each person.

****** You can also sit in the open leg position and have your friend go behind and push your back down while you reach out with your hands to the floor. Stretch and breathe deeply.

4) Still sitting? Reach over and try to touch each ankle. Repeat.

5) Standing up, find a nice object that%26#039;s at least midlevel to you or whatever level is comfortable for you but not too high to where you can%26#039;t reach it. Place one foot on it toes facing up. Lean low and forward and try to touch your ankle or toes. Breathe out deeply.

6) Now turn your body so that your foot is sideways, like you are doing a sidekick. Lean your body over and try to touch your ankle that way. Turn your leg over again till you are facing away and your toes pointed down. Arch back slightly.

7) Repeat for the other leg

8) Standing up tuck up one leg and using both hands pull it close to your body. You should be standing on the other leg. Repeat for the other side.

9) Standing up straight with both legs together, put your hands on your knees and sway your knees around in a circle one way, and then the other way. Repeat. Then place hands on hips and sway your hips around in a circle one way, then the other. Repeat.

10) Very relaxed, do some light kicking. Front, back, side - all possible angles. Do some crescent kicks to get that pivot joint loose.|||I had your same problem. I stretched using the normal stretches in Taekwondo but did them at home four times a day. Once in the morning after a shower, after school, then 3 hours after that, then after my evening shower. Also, try standing straight up facing a counter above your waist and put your foot on it. Then try to touch your toes. Try moving up to higher surfaces til your foot can touch your face|||just swing you leg up. ever time try and make it high than the last. You can do it for side kicks and front kicks. (worked for me)|||Cancel your membership|||Stretch out your hamstrings and groin.

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