Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why do some Taekwondo schools require Taeguek and Palgwe poomsaes and some only Taeguek?

Most schools belong to an association of some sort, and the association sets the belt requirements.

The WTF (World Tae Kwon Do Federation) recognizes the Tae Guk poomse as a requirement.

In our Dojang, we learn the Tae Guk until we reach 1st Dan, then we learn all the Palgwe.

It%26#039;s really up to the association or master as to what their curriculum is.

James|||Palgwe is earlier form most masters who arrived to US before 1972 never learnt Taeguek. Many of them taught Palgwe. In !972 WTF created Taeguek. meant teach kids making it easier.

So many masters in US still don%26#039;t teach Taeguek.

WTF only recognize Taeguek as a colored belts form

Treats Palgwe as a extra curriculum. In Korea virtuall no dojang teaches Palgwe|||We used both the Taeguek and Palgwe. My Grandmaster was big on forms, so we do a lot of them. When I tested for my 1st Dan, I had 21 forms to do.

I think is just preference.

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