Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Taekwondo belt test tonight and my tournament tomorrow i am nervous please help?

I have my belt test tonight and I am already nervous. All I kept thinking about before i went to bed was my belt test. I know I will pass the test.

And than i have my tournament tomorrow I already have a feeling that I will come home with a medal.

What can I do not to be nervous about my test and my tournament?|||Practice, practice, practice. Think about your forms and possible combinations all the time until after your tournament. Visualize what you can do, and when you can do it. TKD tests are usually not bad (I practiced for several years). The most important thing during a tournament is to stay calm, relaxed, and agile. Realize that the other person is probably more nervous than you. Take advantage of this weakness of theirs, be the more relaxed one, and get your punches and kicks in. Remember, it%26#039;s about points.|||set your intentions %26quot;i intend to win, ect%26quot;, visualize it a few times in your mind with precise detail, get lots of sleep and water, deep breaths. GOOD LUCK!!!|||Not a thing. Being nervous is good. Your probably underestimating yourself, and overestimating the task at hand, so it will be a lot easier than you expect. Drown the fear with rage.|||There is nothing wrong with being nervous for the belt test and the tournament those are trying to anyone when I had a belt test I was doing my forms and this holds true to the tournament too try not to look at the judges to see if their reactions to what you are doing is good their faces will probably be blank and expressionless what to do is focus on what you are doing act like your alone in the room practicing and just follow you movements and get though it. Because worrying about what the judges are going to score you might make you make a mistake so just be confident in yourself and what you have learned. Good luck in your tourney and your test you do just fine.|||its really easy if ur a wight belt|||As everyone has said already, nerves is a natural human emotion that you should encounter when important or unknown events are upon you, such as a belt test or a tournament.

This is a part of your martial arts journey, discovering more about yourself, and learning how to cope with the many emotional, physical, spiritual, and other challenges that will come you way on your journey.

Welcome and embrace your nerves as part of the journey. Visualize your belt test and tournament efforts in the most positive light you can. Accept that you will do you best, and that you cannot do more that than, so you will accept the results and move forward with that new information to become better, more powerful, stronger, and more resolute. Then relax and breath a little :)

As others have said, at the start of your journey, everything seems very scary, unusual, and fraught with dangers. This is a normal reaction, but it is also a natural over-sensitivity to the realities of most situations :)

Good luck with both, and learn from them no matter what the results :)

Ken C

9th Dan HapMoosaKi-Do

8th Dan TaeKwon-Do

7th Dan YongChul-Do

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