Saturday, May 15, 2010

Do you think Olympic Taekwondo will become popular in it's present form?

I was excited when Taekwondo was first added to the Olympics. Now, as I am watching it live online, I am quite disappointed. Hands at sides, no punches, not even reverse punches......what a horrible way to display Tae Kwon Do!

My instructor would have taken your head off, the second you dropped your hands...........

I am watching a match now and it is did it get to this?|||It shouldn%26#039;t. Not like this. It%26#039;s like Olympic boxing. Doesn%26#039;t matter how hard you hit or even if you knock somebody down. Just if you got in one clean wimpy kick, you can win. Whose idea was this anyway?|||It will not become popular if it is never televised.

I also read that it was event potentially on the Olympic cutting-block...|||I don%26#039;t know how it came to this but it really does suck now. It%26#039;s probably not going to make it as an Olympic sport much longer. Judo wasn%26#039;t much better.|||Perhaps it should be renamed Freestyle Hopping Foot Tag.|||I%26#039;m not expecting any points for this answer (ha ha), but you should see what they%26#039;ve done to boxing.|||boxing is better|||NO!|||terrible sport i dont know why u bother

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